Cute, Easy, and Simple Dog Drawing

By | January 19, 2023


Drawing dogs isn’t so hard if you break it down into simple steps. Learn how to draw dogs in simple, easy-to-follow steps with this dog drawing guide! You’ll learn everything you need to know about drawing dogs, from the best way to start your drawing of a dog to adding that finishing touch to your art piece. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to draw any dog like the pros do!

Do you like dogs and want a fun and easy art project to do? Stop looking! In this lesson, we’ll learn how to draw a simple, cute dog with just a pencil. This tutorial is great for anyone who wants to learn how to draw or just wants a quick and easy project. We’ll show you how to draw step by step, so it will be easy for you to follow along. So take out your pencil and let’s start drawing a cute and easy dog!

Sketch the Head of The Dog

Start by sketching the shape of your dog’s head. Keep it simple and don’t worry about proportions yet.

Draw an oval shape for its head with an additional oval shape at the top where its muzzle will go. Add its nose by making a dot in the center of the lower oval or circle. Add some curves to represent the mouth and snout on either side of that initial dot made for the nose.

Draw two small ovals for its eyes draw four lines around the outside of each eye to make pupils which should be placed close together about halfway up from the bottom half of the face below or next to where you drew its mouth and snout (depending on what type of dog it is).

Outline the dog’s head and snout so that it looks like one continuous line… Using curved lines, add ears on both sides of the head near where you put its mouth/snout, and make sure that both sides are symmetrical. Finish off your dog’s face with whiskers and a round tongue poking out of his mouth!

Draw His Body

Grab a large oval and draw it around the head shape. Extend the oval to form the body of the dog, leaving a space in between for his front legs.

Draw two circles for his front paws and then use a curved line to connect them at the bottom. Now draw two small ovals for his back paws and connect them with an arch as you did with his front paws.

Draw the tail by creating a few wavy lines emanating from the base.

Use curved lines to create the fur around his neck and backside, following his spine along with any other markings or spots he has on his body.

Draw the Legs and Feet of a Dog

The legs should be drawn as if they are coming out of the chest while the feet should be drawn as coming out of the leg. The more detail you want, the more time you will have to spend on this step. Remember that even though drawing can be a relaxing activity, it can also take a lot of patience.

Color your drawing (Optional)

Your dog drawing is finally coming to life! It’s time to color it in. The first thing you want to do is find a good color scheme. You’ll do the lightest shade of color on the inside, and the darkest shade of color on the outside. I chose white for my lightest tone and black for my darkest tone.

Dog Drawing Tutorials Video

Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog

Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog-1
Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog-2
Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog-3
Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog-4
Pencil Drawing Picture of Dog-5

Bad Dog Drawing

Bad Dog Drawing-1
Bad Dog Drawing-2
Bad Dog Drawing-3

Cute Dog Drawing

Cute Dog Drawing1
Cute Dog Drawing- 2
Cute Dog Drawing3
Cute Dog Drawing-4
Cute Dog Drawing-5

Easy Dog Drawing

Easy Dog Drawing-1
Easy Dog Drawing-2
Easy Dog Drawing-3
Easy Dog Drawing-4

Simple Dog Drawing

Simple Dog Drawing-1
Simple Dog Drawing-2
Simple Dog Drawing-3
Simple Dog Drawing-4

Cartoon Dog Drawing

Cartoon Dog Drawing-1
Cartoon Dog Drawing-2
Cartoon Dog Drawing-3
Cartoon Dog Drawing-4
Cartoon Dog Drawing-5
Cartoon Dog Drawing-6

Important Facts You Must Know About Dogs

  • Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and can smell up to 1,000 times better than humans. This makes them highly valuable in fields such as search and rescue, bomb detection, and cancer detection.
  • Dogs are not colorblind as many people believe. They can see colors, but their color vision is not as vibrant as human color vision. They can see shades of blue and yellow, but not red and green.
  • Dogs have a specialized muscle in their ear called the auricular muscle which allows them to move their ears in different directions to better hear sounds.
  • Dogs can also communicate with each other using chemical signals called pheromones. This allows them to convey information about their reproductive status and social status to other dogs.
  • The average lifespan of dogs can vary greatly depending on their breed, with some breeds living over 15 years, while others living as little as 5-6 years.
  • Dogs are one of the few species that can understand human pointing gestures and use them to locate hidden objects.
  • The dog’s nose print is unique and can be used for identification, similar to human fingerprints.
  • Dogs have been used for many different tasks throughout history, including hunting, herding, protection, and companionship.
  • Dogs have been trained to help people with a variety of physical and mental conditions, such as visual or hearing impairment, seizure disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Dogs have the ability to learn a wide range of commands and tricks, with some breeds being more trainable than others.

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